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Align stakeholders and optimize student and financial outcomes.

Create a data-informed strategy for each academic program. Design an annual schedule template that operationalizes your strategy and ensures alignment across academic departments.


The intelligence to plan for the long term.


Reduced Schedule Barriers


Ensure students can follow their pathway without being blocked by unintended barriers in the course schedule. Model impact on progress, retention, and completion.


Framework for Financial Sustainability

Analyze academic program contribution to margin and financial sustainability. Implement targeted strategies to improve the financial health of your academic programs, even those with low enrollments.


Institutional Alignment

Leverage automatically-generated schedule templates from your plan that create scheduling guardrails for academic departments. Ensure that scheduling policy is implemented for improved student success and financial health outcomes. 


Data-Informed Faculty Hiring

Analyze your faculty capacity to support enrollments in your various academic programs. Leverage that analysis to target hiring to resolve capacity bottlenecks.



Generate strategic schedule drafts that ensure sustainability and alignment.

Leverage system-generated intelligence to design multi-term schedules that unify department schedulers. Highlight and resolve inefficiencies and barriers to student progress before they materialize in the schedule.

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Ensure clear paths to completion for students

Allow students to start and finish their academic program without having to change modalities, locations, or time-of-day.

Prioritize academic program schedules

Manage schedules from an academic program versus individual course perspective in order to improve outcomes, leading to a consistently smart annual schedule.

Promote data-driven decision-making

Provide transparency that will help mobilize academic leaders and synergize efforts across the entire institution.



Support student progress with retention and completion insights.

Assess the impact of accelerated student progress on retention and completion rates to address meaningful and proactive scheduling opportunities.

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Understand the impact of scheduling on future student success

Visualize forecasted graduation rates based on historical student behavior to understand how current course access will impact retention & completion. 

Enable equitable completion paths

Ensure students can follow their pathway to graduation in the completion path they prefer. Identify students that are blocked or delayed from completing their degree pathway due to course time, modality, or campus.



Leverage your multi-term plan to anticipate future faculty hiring needs.

Use your multi-term plan to determine necessary faculty hiring needs that will match forecasted academic program enrollments and resulting course demand. 

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Anticipate faculty hiring needs

Plan for upcoming hires based on forecasted enrollments to move beyond the inefficiency and chaos of last-minute hiring.

Understand program capacity with existing faculty

Track faculty allocation in real-time as schedules are refined to effectively manage the capacity of your faculty and programs.

Optimize faculty allocation

Mitigate course bottlenecks and low demand course offerings by aligning your faculty to students’ needs. 



Improve financial health and academic program sustainability.

Analyze projected tuition revenue, instructional cost, and margin of your tentative annual schedule as well as opportunities to improve margin. Model the collective impact of strategies to finalize your annual schedule plan.

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Analyze margin for every course and academic program

Take the guesswork out of financial health by leveraging our 'follow-the-student' method for allocating tuition, cost, and margin. 

Highlight financial health strategy opportunities

Vet system-curated financial health strategies to refine supported completion paths and pathway requirements.

Model the financial impacts of schedule changes

Reference margin calculations from your annual schedule plans to inform your institution’s course of action for future schedules.

We're powering progress through Smart Scheduling.

Learn how using real-time data and thoughtful design can produce high-quality, student-centered schedules.

Success Stories

550+ institutions. 4.5 million students. And counting.


Learn how institutions just like yours are achieving their outcomes with smarter planning and scheduling solutions.

WVNCC Building

Course fill rate jumped from 49.5% in Fall 2018 to 62.6% in Fall 2021.

Learn how West Virginia Northern Community College improved institutional financial sustainability through the power of data.

Group of young people talking and laughing

Planning Schedules for the Future

Advising and registration are complex, and long-term planning is understandably a daunting subject for many institutions. The off-season can be the perfect time to take a step back and determine plans for improvement – such as the introduction of an annual schedule – to create a direct impact on the regular season.  

University hallway

Strategic Academic Planning: Supporting Student Success

Listen to postsecondary academic planning experts as they discuss their observations and experiences working with institutional leaders to create an environment that promotes student success.


We partner with the industry's leading student information systems for easy, reliable integrations.

Continue the journey with us.


Essential Scheduling


Data-informed Scheduling


Student-centered Scheduling


Integrated Planning

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Education is a journey. We set the course.

Ad Astra is the trusted partner of colleges and universities committed to graduating more students faster. ​Through data-informed planning and course scheduling, we empower institutions to remove barriers to completion while also ensuring financial sustainability.


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