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Success Stories and Case Studies

Ad Astra has helped 500+ institutions graduate more students faster while improving financial health, operational efficiency, and equitable outcomes. Learn more about their stories.

Diverse students carrying books and walking

Ad Astra Success Stories

Our clients have stories to share. Don't just take our word for it, though. Learn about the success other institutions are having across the country. You could be next.


Marymount Manhattan College

Maximizing Manhattan’s Space: How Ad Astra Transformed Scheduling at MMC

Marymount Manhattan College, situated in New York City's Upper East Side, encountered challenges such as limited space, a complex scheduling process, and a lack of actionable data for scheduling decisions. To address these issues, the college formed a strategic scheduling team and partnered with Ad Astra. Implementing Academic Scheduling, Registration Monitoring, and Student Demand Forecasting tools allowed the college to take a more analytical approach to scheduling, optimizing room utilization and reducing class cancellations.




Bossier Parrish Community College

Evolving from Efficient Scheduling to Effective Scheduling

Discover how Bossier Parish Community College in Louisiana overcame pandemic-related scheduling challenges and achieved remarkable results. With a 10.9% growth in fall-over-fall enrollments and an 11.6% improvement in the enrollment ratio, BPCC transformed its approach to scheduling with the help of Ad Astra's student-centered scheduling solutions.





Metropolitan Community College

Effective Academic Course Scheduling at a Multi-Campus Institution

Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City, MO is made up of five campuses that serve more than 13,000 students, the majority of which are Pell-eligible. Drew Wilkerson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, says that cross-campus coordination is a must for student-centered academic course and room scheduling. Through an ongoing partnership with Ad Astra, MCCKC is ensuring that all students can build efficient, conflict-free schedules which facilitate on-time graduation.



University Missouri Kansas City Logo

University of Missouri-Kansas City

Improving Student Success Through Smart Academic Course Scheduling

To meet the needs of its diverse student population, the University of Missouri-Kansas City committed to optimizing its course schedule in partnership with Ad Astra. UMKC now efficiently schedules more than 15,000 unique class sections a year. Registrar Amy Cole says the goal is to ensure students from all backgrounds are able to take courses when, where, and how they need them to graduate on time. 




Montgomery College

Improving Equity Outcomes Through Scheduling Efficiency

Mathematician Dr. John Hamman, Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland, wasn’t ready to take “unsolvable” for an answer. Hamman knew scheduling can and should be improved and that an effective schedule can positively impact accelerated completion and Degree Velocity® to produce more equitable outcomes and higher completion rates. Learn how Montgomery College uses the course schedule as an effective tool for student success.


Northeast Lakeview College

Efficient Schedules to Achieve Sustained Growth

When Laura Boyer, VP of Academic Success at Northeast Lakeview College, saw enrollment patterns impacted by the pandemic, the institution knew it needed to run an efficient schedule to boost funding and reach growth targets while controlling for instructional costs. Ad Astra provided a path to achieve up to 90% fill rates and 12% growth in contact hours.



West Virginia Northern Community College

Using Data to Improve ROI

When Jill Loveless joined West Virginia Northern Community College as Vice President of Academic Affairs, she knew there had to be a better way to build the schedule to ensure students get the courses they need. Loveless sought a way to determine if a program was sustainable. Click below to hear how Northern used data to improve ROI and assist financial health.



Colby Community College

Transforming scheduling for student success

Through measured schedule refinement, Colby Community College is driving sustainability and success by aligning the schedule to student needs.

Lamar University Logo

Lamar University

Accelerating Completions

Luis Arevalo chose Lamar University to pursue his chemical engineering degree. With a clear path to completion created by Lamar’s academic planning team, Luis is successfully staying on course.



Bossier Parish Community College

Creating Schedules with Confidence

Learn how Bossier Parish Community College leveraged smart scheduling to improve student & institutional outcomes.


Northeast Lakeview College

Achieving Sustained Growth Through Efficiency

Northeast Lakeview College needed to continue a positive enrollment trajectory using a data-driven approach. Ad Astra provided a path to achieve up to 90% fill rates and 12% growth in contact hours.

West Virginia Northern Community College, Wheeling, WV

West Virginia Northern Community College

Course Scheduling Issues Solved

WVNCC sought a way to determine if a program was sustainable and/or what was needed to make it become sustainable. Without this insight, they found the schedule would be plagued with last-minute cancelations and additions, which are costly for the institution and for students. By partnering with Ad Astra, WVNCC now has the data needed to create ROI for each class.

Lamar University Logo

Lamar University

Accelerating Student Completions

Discover how Lamar University achieved something many universities haven’t been able to do: Multi-term scheduling centralized within their registrar’s office. But the story doesn’t end there.


South Louisiana Community College

Streamlined Manual Processes to Improve Efficiency & ROI

Like many higher education institutions, SLCC originally relied on manual scheduling processes. This often resulted in SLCC rolling the past term’s schedule over to a new year with no way to determine what was most effective for students. Learn how SLCC streamlined manual processes to improve efficiency and ROI.


Western Kentucky University

Reallocation Lead to Savings

Western Kentucky University had to reallocate offices, classrooms, labs, and auditoriums during a three-week semester break. Astra Schedule powered fast rescheduling decisions and over three summer terms, WKU has savedmore than $350,000 in energy costs.


Western Kentucky University

Financial Health: A Success Story

When Western Kentucky University had to reallocate offices, classrooms, labs, and auditoriums during a three-week semester break due to a building shut down, Ad Astra powered fast rescheduling decisions. It ultimately helped the university achieve a six-figure savings.


MVCC logo

Mohawk Valley Community College

Using Leading Metrics to Improve Time to Completion

Mohawk Valley Community College was concerned about the slowing rate at which students were progressing toward a degree. By partnering with Ad Astra to use leading metrics, MVCC's students take fewer unnecessary credits, further decreasing the time to degree and boosting scheduling efficiencies throughout the institution


University of Kentucky

Refine Academic Schedules

The University of Kentucky had to develop a plan in short order for handling a larger than expected freshman class. Ad Astra's strategies and scheduling intelligence helped refine academic schedules to accommodate new students, sections, and classroom assignments.


Guilford Technical College

Advance Student Outcomes

Guildford Technical Community College analyzed student data to inform the implementation of new practices and track institutional progress, to benefit student retention, success, and completion.

California State University Long Beach logo

California State University

Increasing Graduation Rates Through Strategic Scheduling

When students can't enroll in the classes they need to graduate, changes must be made to ensure timely completions. Learn how California State University is making large strides to encourage timely graduations and using schedule changes to impact student success.

Equity in Action: Boosting Success for All

How can you impact your minority students through course schedule refinement? Learn how other institutions create a positive influence.


Utilizing the Course Schedule to Decrease Bottlenecks and Equity Gaps

As a recognized Hispanic Serving Institution, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi has a history of Latino student success. They began to notice that general education bottlenecks were becoming a barrier to completion in this student population. In an effort to better serve students, they aligned their schedule with demographic needs and increased enrollments. 

Annualized Scheduling Increases Hispanic Retention, Graduation, and Enrollments

When every department is scheduling classes, lack of communication can lead to resources lacking optimization. To combat fragmentation, Central New Mexico Community College centralized their scheduling process to ensure they were offering enough sections for all students to access needed courses. This has greatly impacted their Latino and Native American students.

Asian and African American Student Retention Increases Due to Scheduling Changes

When late-term cancellations began to impact students, Arapahoe Community College realized change was necessary to stand by their mission and support student success. After evaluating areas of opportunity within the course schedule, they were able to bolster student credit hour loads and retention, allowing this community college to serve its mission while decreasing equity gaps.

Partner Spotlights

Do partnerships really lead to results? We'll let you come to your own conclusion by checking out our partner spotlights. 



AASCU + AD Astra

AASCU’s 400 member colleges and universities are committed to student access, success, and opportunity. Collectively, they serve nearly four million students, and enroll a significant portion of undergraduates who are first generation, Pell-eligible, or members of underrepresented minority groups. They are designed to be - and strive to be - engines for economic mobility. Learn how they use the schedule to drive change.


CCA Game Changers

Complete College America released a series of recommendations to increase retention and completion for community colleges. Needless to say, these recommendations are game changers. Learn how to bring each recommendation to fruition by operationalizing the tips. Do you require pathways intervention? Are you focusing on students in your momentum year? Learn how to put these practices into action. 

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Education is a journey. We set the course

Learn more about how Ad Astra can help your institution improve graduation rates, financial stability, and equitable outcomes.

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Education is a journey. We set the course.

Ad Astra is the trusted partner of colleges and universities committed to graduating more students faster. ​Through data-informed planning and course scheduling, we empower institutions to remove barriers to completion while also ensuring financial sustainability.


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