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Complicated Lives, Competing Priorities

Reimagining the Course Schedule for Today's Student

Students returning to colleges and universities post-pandemic are demanding higher flexibility in course modalities and schedules. The question of whether they’re finding success in these new approaches remains to be answered. In Complicated Lives, Competing Priorities: Reimagining the Course Schedule for Today’s Student, Ad Astra explores how institutions are not only adjusting their modalities and scheduling practices to meet the needs of today’s learners but also the way they measure the success of these changes.


In this report, you’ll learn how:

  • Student credit hour loads and statuses (full-time versus part-time) dropped in the wake of the pandemic.
  • Drop/Fail/Withdrawal (DFW) rates serve as a strong indicator of course success by modality but are inconsistently used as key metrics for scheduling effectiveness.
  • Institutions are balancing student-centricity with faculty needs when making course scheduling decisions.


The report is based on a survey of more than 650 institutional leaders and was analyzed along with data from more than 150 colleges and universities regarding course schedules, enrollments, and grades. Download your copy today!

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Education is a journey. We set the course.

Ad Astra is the trusted partner of colleges and universities committed to graduating more students faster. ​Through data-informed planning and course scheduling, we empower institutions to remove barriers to completion while also ensuring financial sustainability.


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