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Top Five Priorities

For changing aspects of course scheduling in 2024

We surveyed colleges and universities across North America to identify their top priorities for changing course scheduling in 2024. More than 600 survey responses highlighted five important institutional goals. A common theme emerged around stakeholders driving student-centered change.


Download the full infographic to see the top five priorities your peers have for 2024.

Download the Infographic

While it’s generally okay for departments to manage their own schedules, sometimes there needs to be division-wide and school-wide consideration so that students aren’t locked out of options purely because of scheduling problems.

Contact us to find out how Ad Astra can help you achieve your institution's planning and scheduling goals.

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Education is a journey. We set the course.

Ad Astra is the trusted partner of colleges and universities committed to graduating more students faster. ​Through data-informed planning and course scheduling, we empower institutions to remove barriers to completion while also ensuring financial sustainability.


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