Optimizing the Academic Enterprise
Join NACUBO's Vice President for Consulting, Jim Hundrieser, and our CEO, Tom Shaver, for a conversation about managing pathways, refining scheduling, and, most importantly, understanding the true cost of a credential.
Workforce Alignment and Student Success
In this webinar, a group of higher education thought leaders share ways to operationalize pathways for student success.
Using Analytics to Reconceive Course Scheduling and Planning
Check out how scheduling and planning platforms that apply course demand analytics to improve student success.
Aligning Math Pathways to Improve Outcomes
In this webinar, Elizabeth Zachry Rutschow, Senior Research Associate at MDRC, discusses ways to break down barriers to degree completion.
Ad Astra is higher education’s solution partner in managing the academic enterprise. Partnering with more than 500 colleges, universities, and systems nationwide, Ad Astra helps improve stewardship of instructional resources, streamline student access to courses, and accelerate student completions.