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Student Success

The value of a degree lasts a lifetime. Earning it shouldn’t take that long.

For students, earning a degree unlocks countless career opportunities and paves the way for future success. With Ad Astra’s student scheduling software, institutions can accelerate degree completion by streamlining academic planning and implementing data-informed student success strategies. These tools help students stay on track, achieve their goals faster, and ensure a smoother path to graduation.

“It all comes down to student success. And part of how we define student success is students who are graduating in four years or five years.”



Ad Astra: Accelerating Completions

Luis Arevalo chose Lamar University to pursue his chemical engineering degree, where student-centered scheduling played a key role in his success. With a clear academic plan crafted by Lamar’s team and supported by Ad Astra’s data-informed student success strategies, Luis is confidently staying on track and accelerating his path to graduation.

“Students need to know what their completion path looks like so they can plan their life path.”


Ad Astra removes the guesswork.

With Ad Astra’s student scheduling software, eliminate guesswork using data-driven predictive scheduling and resource optimization. Align courses with student needs through collaborative academic scheduling, ensuring students will be able to earn their degrees on time and within budget.

Student smiling

Accelerating Student Success: Ad Astra's Achievements at Educational Institutions

4.9% less time required for degree completion with a 12.2% increase in yearly productive credit hours.

Germanna Community College

Reduced student time to completion from 3.5 years to 3.1 years.

Alamo Colleges District | Northeast Lakeview College

Improved acceleration by 19.4%  in less than three years.


Mohawk Valley Community College

Accelerate Degree Completion and Measure Student Success with Ad Astra

With Ad Astra’s student scheduling software, colleges and universities can improve course scheduling and optimize resource allocation to accelerate completion, ensuring more students graduate faster and achieve success.

 students in classroom and computer with platform
University students in the classroom


Collaborative academic scheduling software that improves operational efficiency.

women studying

Data-Informed Scheduling

Smart scheduling systems to facilitate targeted schedule optimization.

Students walking down university hallway

Student-Centered Scheduling

Intelligent insights that maximize student outcomes and minimize disruption.

People's hands in front of a computer


Annual planning software that aligns stakeholders and optimizes student and financial outcomes.

students walking around campus

Ad Astra Success Stories

Learn how institutions just like yours achieve strategic goals with Ad Astra’s student scheduling software.

Lamar University Logo

Lamar University

“Six-year graduation rates improved by 6% and average student contact hours improved by 4.2%”

See how Lamar University transformed multi-term scheduling in their registrar’s office—a significant milestone in higher education planning. Ad Astra’s student scheduling software played a pivotal role in this achievement, driving efficiency and student success.

South Louisiana Community College Logo

South Louisiana Community College

“Reduced cancelled classes term-over-term from 15 to two.”

Discover how SLCC improved efficiency and ROI by streamlining manual processes with Ad Astra’s student scheduling software. This transformation enabled smarter resource management and more optimized scheduling practices, driving measurable student success.

West Virginia Northern Community College Logo

West Virginia Northern Community College

“Course fill rate jumped from 49.5% in Fall 2018 to 62.6% in Fall 2021.”

Explore how WVNCC minimized course cancellations by leveraging Ad Astra’s data-driven scheduling tools. This approach enhanced resource efficiency and boosted student satisfaction, driving measurable student success.

The Industry Leader in Academic Operations | Serving 550+ Campuses with 4.5M Students

Explore more client success stories now.

Continue the journey with us.


Essential Scheduling


Data-informed Scheduling


Student-centered Scheduling


Integrated Planning


Education is a journey. We set the course.

Ad Astra is the trusted partner of colleges and universities committed to graduating more students faster. ​Through data-informed planning and course scheduling, we empower institutions to remove barriers to completion while also ensuring financial sustainability.


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