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Financial Health

Students want schedule stability. Your institution wants financial stability.

With predictable schedules, institutions can improve student retention by keeping learners enrolled from start to graduation. This reliability not only supports financial health solutions but also strengthens operational efficiency in higher education. Ad Astra empowers institutions to create student demand-driven schedules, ensuring both resource optimization and long-term financial sustainability.

“Our scheduling and rescheduling is much easier now. Ad Astra has paid huge dividends for us in both time and cost savings.”

Jessica Steenbergen, Scheduling Applications Coordinator, Western Kentucky University


Financial Health Solutions:
A Higher Education Success Story

When Western Kentucky University had to reallocate offices, classrooms, labs, and auditoriums during a three-week semester break due to a building shut down, Ad Astra powered fast rescheduling decisions. It ultimately helped the university achieve a six-figure savings.

“Ad Astra provides insight to look deeper into the financial implications of the schedule and course offerings. By helping us analyze student need alongside the financial impact of right-sizing course offerings, we can align course offerings with program pathways.”

James Lynch, AVP for Academic Affairs, Mohawk Valley Community College

Data Analytics: Building Predictable Schedules

With Ad Astra, you can leverage predictive analytics to drive continuous improvement. Now you can allocate finite resources and create course schedules that align with every student’s intended completion paths. This also reduces your instructional costs and improves program health for financial outcomes that can be sustained year over year.

Engaged student in a lecture hall

Ad Astra: Accelerating Completions and Improving Financial Outcomes

Increased Year-Over-Year Contact Hours by 13%

Northeast Lakeview College

Improved Course Fill rates by 26%, plus Reduced Course Cancellations by 46%

West Virginia Northern Community College

Grew Year-Over-Year Enrollments by 10.9%

Bossier Parish Community College

On-Time Degrees: A Win for Students and Financial Health for Institutions

Student retention and accelerated completion deliver value to the student and the institution. Ad Astra provides both. Now your course scheduling is based on analytics for student progress, historical data and academic plans.

Administrator and student looking at the Ad Astra Dashboard
students in classroom


Collaborative academic scheduling software that improves operational efficiency.

women in front of a computer

Data-Informed Scheduling

Smart scheduling systems to facilitate targeted schedule optimization.

students walking down a school hallway

Student-Centered Scheduling

Intelligent insights that maximize student outcomes and minimize disruption.

People in front of a computer


Annual planning software that aligns stakeholders and optimizes student and financial outcomes.

students walking around campus

Ad Astra Success Stories

These success stories can be yours. Learn how institutions just like yours achieved their desired outcomes through Ad Astra.


Western Kentucky University

“$350,000 savings during a multi-year configuration of academic building resources using room and resource data.”

Equipped with student registration data and room controls through Ad Astra, Western Kentucky University had a comprehensive view of building resources that was centralized and comprehensive. It made scheduling and rescheduling easier for a positive financial impact.

Stephen F. Austin University icon

Stephen F. Austin University

“5,600 credit hours generated in one semester, a 3,000-hour increase from the previous fall, and $1.3 million in revenue the following term.”

Facing a budget cut and clogged general education courses, Stephen F. Austin was able to add 15 new faculty lines that paid for themselves. Because of scheduling optimization, over 1,250 students got the courses they needed.

Bossier Parish Community College Logo

Bossier Parish Community College

“$411,000 in revenue earned for seats added by monitoring registration in real time.”

Bossier Parish leveraged smart scheduling to revamp their academic processes, enhancing scheduling accuracy for students and faculty. This student-centric approach improved institutional outcomes and streamlined academic operations.

The Industry Leader in Academic Operations | Serving 550+ Campuses with 4.5M Students

Explore more success stories and proven results.

Continue the journey with us.


Essential Scheduling


Data-informed Scheduling


Student-centered Scheduling


Integrated Planning


Education is a journey. We set the course.

Ad Astra is the trusted partner of colleges and universities committed to graduating more students faster. ​Through data-informed planning and course scheduling, we empower institutions to remove barriers to completion while also ensuring financial sustainability.


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