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Achieve equitable outcomes in student success.

Every student is unique, but all deserve equitable outcomes and a clear path to graduation. Ad Astra empowers student success, accelerating degree completion and fostering an inclusive learning environment. 


“With Ad Astra, the data we have access to has completely shifted our scheduling process to a more data-informed system to make adjustments quickly to open additional courses and meet student demand.”

Rebecca Woulfe, V.P. for Instruction & Provost, Arapahoe Community College

ACC logo

Equitable Outcomes:
A Story of Accessible Student Success

Scheduling changes with Ad Astra have increased credit hour loads and boosted retention rates for minority students at Arapahoe Community College.

“We need to make education an assumption for all.”

Sarita Brown, Co-founder & President, Excelencia in Education

Wherever students are on their educational journey, we guide them toward equitable outcomes and student success.

With Ad Astra, data-driven insights align courses with how students want to learn. This ensures that first-generation students, working professionals, and those raising families feel included in an equitable and inclusive learning environment. By offering the courses they need, institutions help students graduate on time and at a price they can afford. Predictive scheduling delivers enrollment stability, financial sustainability, and equitable outcomes for all.

African American student and his parent embracing

With Ad Astra, institutions can achieve equitable graduation outcomes for all students, fostering a more inclusive learning environment.

19% minority retention rate improvement for Asian and African American students.

Arapahoe Community College

Hispanic graduation rates grew from 35.1% to 54.3% in less than five years.

Central New Mexico Community College

In one year graduation rates jumped from 33% to 36% for Hispanic students.

Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi

Accelerate Completions and Optimize Resources with Ad Astra.

With Ad Astra, colleges and universities can enhance course scheduling and resource allocation, accelerating degree completion and helping more students graduate on time.

Hispanic Family and Ad Astra Dashboard
University students in the classroom


Collaborative academic scheduling software that improves operational efficiency.

women studying

Data-Informed Scheduling

Smart scheduling systems to facilitate targeted schedule optimization.

Students walking down university hallway</h3>

Student-Centered Scheduling

Intelligent insights that maximize student outcomes and minimize disruption.

People's hands in front of a computer


Annual planning software that aligns stakeholders and optimizes student and financial outcomes.

 People walking on university campus

Ad Astra Success Stories

These success stories can be yours. Learn how institutions like yours achieved equitable outcomes and accelerated student success with Ad Astra.


Albany State University

“10% retention rate increase with steadily increasing enrollment, graduation, and course pass rates.”

Learn how one of Georgia’s largest historically African American colleges overcame scheduling obstacles like course access, faculty overloads, and schedule rollovers to achieve new levels of student graduation success.

arapahoe community college logo

Arapahoe Community College

“11% increase in full time students, 10.5% retention gain for 18-34-year-old students.”

Follow the journey of ACC as they improved enrollment and course ratios to overcome structural barriers to equity.

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi logo

Texas A&M University

“Hispanic retention rates jumped from 58% to 63% in just a few short years.”

Learn how data helped TAMUCC optimize course schedules to serve underrepresented demographics.

The Industry Leader in Academic Operations | Serving 550+ Campuses with 4.5M Students

Explore Client Success Stories and Equitable Outcomes

Continue the journey with us.


Essential Scheduling


Data-informed Scheduling


Student-centered Scheduling


Integrated Planning


Education is a journey. We set the course.

Ad Astra is the trusted partner of colleges and universities committed to graduating more students faster. ​Through data-informed planning and course scheduling, we empower institutions to remove barriers to completion while also ensuring financial sustainability.


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