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Discover your institution's level of course scheduling infrastructure.


    Do you need to stabilize, organize, or strategize to improve your student success and degree completion efforts? Discovering a starting place can be challenging. That's why we created the Course Scheduling Infrastructure Diagnostic. By completing the survey below, you’ll discover your institution's course scheduling infrastructure level.

    CSD Levels


    Before you get started:

    • Allow yourself 15-20 minutes to complete the survey.
    • Preview the questions by clicking the next button. 
    • Use the glossary to review any unfimiliar terms.
    • Use Week 1 content of Managing the Academic Enterprise to provide context for the diagnostic.
    • Once complete, you’ll receive an email with your results and survey response!

    Begin the Course Scheduling Infrastructure Diagnostic 

    Reminder: The survey takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. 

    [Tip] If you'd like to preview the questions before getting started, simply click through each section in the survey below. 

    background@3x Glossary

    Seeing words you don't know? Never fear. Dive into our keywords to discover their meaning.

    Infrastructure: The core features (policies & procedures, human resources, physical resources, technology resources, financial resources) of an institution that facilitate daily functions and operations

    Academic Program Pathways: The idealized way for students to complete a program of study

    Lagging Metrics: Summative metrics used to measure a trend after it has occurred

    Leading Metrics: Formative metrics used to measure progress towards a goal

    Momentum Year Requirements: First year benchmarks, strategies, and metrics for early graduation momentum (Gateway English and math, 30 credit hours completed, 9 credit hours toward credential, etc.)

    Optimal Schedule: An efficient, conflict-free schedule that allows students to register for their required courses (open seats, no time conflicts)

    Student Success: Student progress to degree completion; An effort to close the gap between student aspirations and reality

    Student Success Interventions: Practices that directly impact student success, ideally through tracking leading metrics

    Bottlenecks: A point of congestion in which demand exceeds capacity

    Underutilized or Low Enrolled Courses: Sections that do not meet an institution’s minimum enrollment guidelines or threshold

    Course Scheduling Grid: The organizational structure used to arrange and communicate your standard course schedule meeting patterns

    Exception Policy: Guidelines that allow departments to offer a course that does not fit the standard course scheduling grid or meeting patterns

    Classroom Utilization Metrics: Metrics used to measure when and how much classrooms are used; these metrics could include usage during standard hours, prime hours, and seat fill percentages

    Department Scheduled Rooms: Rooms that are not centrally scheduled 

    Student-Aligned Schedule: A course schedule aligned with student demand

    Seat Cap: The enrollment capacity of a section

    Waitlisting: The process of tracking student enrollment for a closed or at capacity section

    Instructional Capacity: The enrollments that existing faculty can support in each of the various credentials offered

    Scheduling Stakeholders: Campus members who create, process, and revise the course schedule

    Ready to discuss your findings? 

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