When looking to evaluate the enrollment health of an institution, variables like student population trends, the portfolio of programs offered, and the multiple ways that sections are offered must be considered. Do you factor these variables in your scheduling plan? If not, keep reading to learn how you can measure and improve enrollment health.
How your institution implements curriculum through course scheduling, affects a student’s ability to complete programs of study. Having a framework that creates visibility into completion paths allows you to design better pathways, improve overall efficiency, and boost enrollment health. Discover articles, blogs, and webinars on how you can improve these areas in our resource center.
Discover how well your institution's enrollment health is promoting student success and ways to better manage your academic enterprise. Take the complementary Course Scheduling Infrastructure Diagnostic by click the button below! Or, keep scrolling to find solutions to improve your infrastructure.
Proactively manage student cohorts and progression through program requirements to meet your institution's completion promise.
Key features:Ad Astra is higher education’s solution partner in managing the academic enterprise. Partnering with more than 500 colleges, universities, and systems nationwide, Ad Astra helps improve stewardship of instructional resources, streamline student access to courses, and accelerate student completions.