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Ad Astra is the trusted partner of colleges and universities committed to graduating more students faster.

About ad astra

Through data-informed planning and course scheduling, we empower institutions to remove barriers to students degree completion while ensuring program financial sustainability.


Ad Astra expertly empowers institutions to accelerate completions & achieve financial sustainability through data-informed planning & course scheduling.

Is college worth it? Maybe not if you can't capitalize on the value of degree completion. At Ad Astra, we know the personal and professional benefits of going to college multiply once students complete their credentials. We empower you to provide all students clear completion paths so they can plan their life paths. By facilitating collaboration across institutional stakeholders, our resources put data-informed schedules within reach.


Now every course students take meet their degree
requirements, and these same courses are financially sustainable. The outcomes? Improved student retention and faster completion rates. We believe this adds value to your institution, your students, and our society.

Students running up the stairs with backpack

Fewer than 64% of College Students will complete a degree in six years.

National Center for Educational Statistics 2020

Less than 74% of freshmen students return for their second year of college.

National Student Clearinghouse, 2021

Only 51% of full-time students earned 24 or more credit hours in their first year.

PDP Insight Report, 2022

Watch to learn more about the importance of course scheduling for student success

The typical student is anything but typical.

College students today aren't your typical 18 to 21-year-olds fresh out of high school. In fact, 37% of college students are 25 or older. An estimated 64% work and 24% have children or other dependents. Yesterday's approach to course scheduling simply doesn't work for today's diverse population.


Ad Astra helps you keep pace with these changes by providing real-time data to inform student-centered decision-making. Course scheduling is now based on analytics that predict year-over-year demand, ensuring you keep students on track and on time. What's right for your students is also what makes Ad Astra the right partner for your institution.

Diverse students embracing looking at camera in a circle
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Ad Astra Northstar Mission

Our mission is to graduate more students, faster. By helping institutions improve student outcomes, we can transform lives and change the landscape of higher education. Our goals:

50% of the undergrads in the USA are supported.

1 semester reduction in time to completion.

150,000 additional completions annually.

Up to $17 billion saved by graduates each year.


Let's begin our journey

Do you want more information?

We have a wealth information available. Please visit our resources page.

Want to see our solutions in action?

Let’s talk. We’d love to learn about your institution’s needs and see how we can help.

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all of Ad Astra products and services.
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Education is a journey. We set the course.

Ad Astra is the trusted partner of colleges and universities committed to graduating more students faster. ​Through data-informed planning and course scheduling, we empower institutions to remove barriers to completion while also ensuring financial sustainability.


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